
MOA: University of British Columbia


Large rectangular basketry mat with a plaid pattern done in dark brown; borders formed with wide pieces of cedar bark, central design woven with thinner pieces. Horizontal and vertical checkered bands decorate surface, creating solid rectangles where they connect. Vertical bands, grouped in twos,...


MOA: University of British Columbia


Small, cuff-style silver bracelet with face-like design across exterior. Face consists of thick brows, eyes on either side of a wide nose, and an open, grinning mouth; made up of engraved and cross-hatched formline elements. Cross-hatched triangles on either side; ends of bracelet are rounded and...


MOA: University of British Columbia


Small bear pendant carved from tooth(?). The bear stands on all fours and is depicted with a pronounced nose and large open mouth; incisors at front of mouth connect top and bottom jaw. Figure has a long body with rounded belly and rump; short legs; and a small tail carved in between hind legs. I...


MOA: University of British Columbia


Paddle with carved formline design whale on both sides. V-notched handle. Short leather tie on handle.


MOA: University of British Columbia


Woven cylindrical hat with flat circular crown and brim. TIghtly woven with two weaves at the start of the brim and the end of brim.

Wall Hanging

MOA: University of British Columbia


Seal skin applique wall hanging; done in horizontal orientation. Hanging consists of a central design, wide border, and fur fringe along outer edges; border decorated with scallops. Central design is of two scenes, one on top of the other; scenes are of a person dog sledding away from an igloo an...


MOA: University of British Columbia


Bi-pointed stone head club. The polished stone head tapers at centre and has a hole drilled on one side. It is attached to a handle by inserting the stick into the hole, and then further securing it by wrapping a length of skin around the stone head followed by the shaft. The stick is covered by ...


MOA: University of British Columbia


Tall stone bowl with rounded base; made from light grey stone. Bowl has slightly curved lip, is cone-shaped, and has a shallow well. Three carved faces around middle of bowl; bordered with five rings on top and four below. Identical faces consist of oval-shaped eyes, curved eyebrows, rotund cheek...


MOA: University of British Columbia


Double-walled basketry hat with root exterior and cedar bark interior; hat is dome-shaped, with an indented top that has a plaited square of cedar bark. Top and bottom edges are trimmed with twined bands; one along top, two along bottom. Three decorative bands across exterior (from top to bottom)...


MOA: University of British Columbia


Northwest Coast style stone bowl. Bowl has a seal or sea lion design; stone is dark grey, and blackened in areas. Bowl is oval-shaped and has a very shallow well; no lip and no foot, base is rounded. Seal or sea lion design is on front of bowl and consists of wide circular eyes, an inverted V-sha...